I am committed to placing the well-being of Polk County residents at the forefront, achieved through balanced development prioritizing quality over quantity, the preservation of our environment and natural resources, and the promotion of accessible behavioral health care while combating stigma. I firmly believe that inclusive decision-making, with every voice heard, is the key to shaping a future that reflects our values and goals.
Growth Management
A clear and forward-thinking strategy planned thoughtfully to prioritize sustainable development and existing infrastructure that benefits all residents of Polk County.
Environmental Responsibility
Committed to working collaboratively, leveraging innovation, and taking steps to create a plan that safeguards our county's natural resources.
Behavioral Health
Promoting and expanding current programs and organizations to increase awareness, better educate, and ensure accessibility to all Polk County residents.
Hi, I'm Henry, a third-generation Polk Countian. Raised in this wonderful community, I've seen its unique blend of tradition and progress firsthand. My wife Amber and our three children, Henry, Leo, and Claire, share in my dedication to preserving our thriving and beautiful county for the future.
I began my education at Polk State College and completed my degree in Criminology at the University of South Florida. This led to my career in entrepreneurship, as a local business owner contributing to our economy and fostering community relationships.
I currently sit on the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity and am a member of the Lakeland Kiwanis Club.
I firmly believe that by prioritizing our community and working together, we have limitless potential for growth, unity, and prosperity, shaping the future of our county.